先看看與所謂 Web 2.0 相關的概念:mashup 和 social networking applications。
Mashup (混搭) 的概念,一開始是來自流行音樂工業。混搭音樂作品,通常是由混合兩首以上的流行樂曲之樂器或演唱之音軌所組合而成。後來應用到網路上,輔以 google maps 的出現,成了當前火紅的一種概念與技術。
混搭應用在技術上的實踐,門檻不高,例如 Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML),許多非理工背景的人也都能很快即上手。這裡設計的是高度的網路創作想像力,很適合對數位實現有興趣的人文工作者。這也是當初我冒著不被諒解的風險,在台師大英語系開設語言學程式設計的理由。
讓我們回到語言學的幾個基本爭論點去想想:語料是什麼?語料與語言理論的關係是什麼?傳統的語料庫概念,文本封閉靜態,語言呈現類型單質,樣本亦常常欠缺說服力。我想像未來的語料庫應該是,在不斷演化的雲端中,提供不同面向的語言訊息(包括語料地理訊息、時間訊息、性別訊息、語音訊息、本體訊息等等),容許各種目的與觀點下的語料當下 (ad hoc) 運算,方便的工具與 API 介面讓語言研究者能立刻建立各種語料與理論模組。
至於社會網路,又是另一個相關的有趣語料來源。網路時代,讓我們得以協力生活與創作 (Folksonomy, Social Tagging ),不管參與者有無意識到這點!不論是 Facebook, MySpace 等社交網站,網誌或微網誌,不僅提供活生生的當代口語使用資料,更重要的是還有彼此相互連結的訊息。以前礙於語料而綁手綁腳的諸如 sublanguage, idiolect, domain ontology 等研究與應用,現在卻是等在那裡,讓有想像力的人可以大展宏圖。
My research notes on Linguistic Ontology, natural language Processing and E-humanities
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Making sense of number sense
Gorard. (2006). Using everyday numbers effectively in research.
Simply put, quantitative approach refers to research methods based on evidence in the form of numbers or measures, while qualitative approach refers to those in the form of texts and narrations. However, treating them as separate 'paradigms' is not a good thing. I think the field of LT (Language Technology ) should be more open to work that mixes data of all kinds in searching for better solutions.
Starting quantitative research with statistics can be off-putting for newcomers with anxieties about mathematics. This may worsen the situation. A potential way out, could be to promote the sense of numbers, to realize how the kind of simple numeric techniques we use daily are of considerable value in our research as well. This is what this book seeks to do. Interesting.
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